Archive for the tag 'Wild Trout Trust'

Wild Trout Trust: Salmo Trutta 2024

Salmo Trutta is the Wild Trout Trust’s prestigious annual journal, now in its 27th issue, and after several years of helping the brilliant Denise Ashton with commissioning, proof reading and other matters, 2024 has been my first year fully ensconced in the editor’s chair. Of course, like most publications of this kind, Salmo Trutta is […]

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Editing, Salmo Trutta, Wild Trout Trust, Writing May 15 2024

Recent Wild Trout Trust work: TWIST, trout and trees

I knew all those years of working in charity marketing agencies would come in handy some day… This autumn – apart from editing the latest issue of the Flyfishers’ Journal and hitting a really important new publisher’s deadline of my own (announcement coming soon!) – I’ve also been pulling together the Wild Trout Trust’s autumn […]

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Trout, Urban rivers, Wild Trout Trust, Writing Dec 20 2023

WTT x Sportfish: Making our rivers healthy again

As part of my busy and newly-expanded role with the Wild Trout Trust, where I’m now leading comms activity as well as continuing to develop urban river projects across the south of England, I’ve recently written a couple of articles for the Sportfish website… … describing how WTT’s river restoration projects are focused on improving […]

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Chalkstreams, River restoration, Wild Trout Trust, Writing Jul 28 2023

A new TWIST for the Sheppey?

As I’ve recently written in the Wild Trout Trust’s autumn newsletter, this is the kind of story that many of us know… A spring, or a line of them, bubbling and gushing out of a rocky hillside. Tumbling downhill, meandering through an upland meadow where trout and bullheads dart above the gravel, and human huts […]

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Pollution, Rewilding, Sheppey, Urban rivers, Wild Trout Trust, Writing Nov 28 2021

Fallon’s Angler and WTT’s Little Book of Riverside Moments

In the past few months I’ve been doing a fair amount of reading about geology, as well as thinking about ways of helping urban rivers now and in the future. So I guess it was slightly inevitable that these themes might emerge in some of my own current writing too… For the latest issue of […]

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Fallon's Angler, Wild Trout Trust, Writing Oct 17 2021

Trout in the Town: South London to Somerset

Four years ago, give or take a few days, Sally and I took our final walk up the Wandle to hand over our keys to the estate agent who’d (mostly) been helping us to sell our house by the river in Carshalton. As much out of habit as conscious farewell, we stopped and peered over […]

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River restoration, Trout, Urban rivers, Wandle, Wild Trout Trust Jul 29 2021

Farlows LIVE: Reflecting on urban rivers

Throughout the Covid-19 lockdown and subsequent restrictions here in the UK, lots of brands have made a special effort to stay connected with their customers through digital channels – and fishing shops have been no exception to this trend. Early in the lockdown, Farlows’ Jonny Muir took the opportunity to start a series of in-depth […]

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River restoration, Urban rivers, Wandle, Wild Trout Trust Jul 25 2020

WTT’s Salmo Trutta 2020: Jet Lag and Brook Trout

During these strange days of lockdown (in the course of which I’ve been temporarily furloughed from my Wild Trout Trust urban river role), we’ve all started adapting to new ways of working. Formal meetings and family gatherings alike have moved onto digital platforms, where it’s likely that many of them will stay for the foreseeable […]

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Invasive non-native species, River restoration, Salmo Trutta, Trout, Urban rivers, Wild Trout Trust, Writing Apr 30 2020

Power to the people: The Wild Trout Trust’s new Urban River Toolkit

The end of last month saw the culmination of much of my Trout in the Town work so far: holding the Wild Trout Trust’s latest Urban Conclave, and launching our new Urban River Toolkit. When Merlin Unwin published Trout in Dirty Places, my guide to urban river fishing and restoration, in 2012, it was everything […]

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Rewilding, River restoration, Trout, Urban River Toolkit, Wild Trout Trust, Writing Oct 06 2019

Rocking it out in Bruton

When he’s presenting the judges’ verdicts at the Wild Trout Trust Conservation Awards every year, my colleague Paul Gaskell likes to emphasise the odds that are stacked against even the simplest river restoration projects – making it nearly impossible to believe that the spectacular and complicated ones have actually made it through this vicious (and […]

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River restoration, Urban rivers, Wild Trout Trust Jun 12 2019